By Toronto Real Estate Board

Everybody is welcome, whether you are new to the business or just young at heart.

 What is YPN?

Join Now!

YPN is a great way for TREB Members to network and build an expansive referral base. It is also a great way to learn about new tools and technology advancements in organized real estate.

YPN gives you the opportunity to evolve your leadership qualities and experiences that will stay with you throughout your career.

YPN offers collaborative networking opportunities with other industry groups.

These partnerships provide YPN Members access to Learn-to-Earn sessions geared toward advancing your career with proven strategies and measurable results to help you and your business grow.

Receive networking event invites, industry updates and up-to-date on the trends!

There are a number of ways for you to be a part of TREB’s YPN community:

Sign-up and become a TREB YPN Member, and start receiving exclusive YPN emails. Visit:

Join TREB’s exclusive YPN Members only Facebook group. Visit:

Follow TREB’s exclusive YPN Members only Twitter feed @trebypn .

The YPN Mandate

  1. The mission of the Young Professionals Network Committee is to foster professional development within the TREB community by bringing fellow young professionals together, to meet, share ideas and build relationships through social/business networking.
  2. The Young Professionals Network Committee primarily focuses on programs to better enhance young real estate professionals’ knowledge, industry best practices, credibility and overall image.
  3. The group also gives direct feedback to the board to help improve TREB services in a broader sense.
  4. Members will receive access to unique educational seminars, panel discussions and the opportunity to develop as future industry leaders

No Cost

There is no cost to be part of the TREB’s YPN.


You must be a TREB Member to join.

For questions and inquiries: [email protected]


The post Join TREB’s Young Professionals Network! appeared first on TREB Wire .

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